The Rancho Patagónico has been developed tourism to be the starting point of a tourist circuit that links Patagonia South from West to East through the “Wind Route. This circuit includes the projects “Ruta Nacional 40” and “Ruta Azul”, having among its main attractions the Parque Nacional Bosque Petrificado Jaramillo.

The South Patagonia region is characterized by its natural beauties, in particular the province of Santa Cruz. It is recognized for its impressive topography, fauna and flora. The impressive thing about its natural monuments is not only the size, but the age of its existence. To visit this region is to observe first hand the places where our ancient ancestors lived, and even dinosaurs.

Today the Parque Nacional Bosque Petrificado Jaramillo is one of the most important attractions in the province of Santa Cruz. It is visited by an eccentric and adventurous tourism, increasing its influx every year from all corners of the world.